Results for 'Jennifer Ung Loh'

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  1.  25
    Transgender Identity, Sexual versus Gender ‘Rights’ and the Tools of the Indian State.Jennifer Ung Loh - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):39-55.
    Sexual and gender minorities in contemporary India are formed in the interstices between the neoliberal, Hindutva state; transnational discourses of liberal democracy and sexual ‘rights’; as well as cosmopolitan culture and global LGBT movements. As is evident in recent court judgments and legislation, particularly since 2014, postcolonial Hindu nationalism has created cultural conditions where forms of queer gender are permissible while queer sexuality is generally unacceptable. In recent years, significant developments have focused on transgender communities, complicating activism surrounding sexual and (...)
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    Coloniality and Feminist Collusion: Breaking Free, Thinking Anew.Jennifer Ung Loh & Navtej K. Purewal - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):1-12.
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    Gender, Violence and the Neoliberal State in India.Navtej Purewal, Jennifer Ung Loh & Kalpana Wilson - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):1-6.
    This article explores sex selective abortion as a form of structural violence within the broader notion of women's ‘protection’ in contemporary India. While SSA tends to be framed more generally within ethical and choice-based frameworks around abortion access and reproductive ‘rights’, and specifically in India around preference for sons as a discriminatory, cultural, technological misogyny, this article argues that sex selective abortion in India needs to be understood as an outcome of broader systemic economic, political and social processes. The deepening (...)
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    Ethical Considerations of Physician Career Involvement in Global Health Work: A Framework.Lawrence Chew Loh, Sae Rom Chae, Jennifer E. Heckman & Daniel S. Rhee - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (1):129-136.
    Examining the ethics of long-term, career involvement by physicians in global health work is vital, given growing professional interest and potential health implications for communities abroad. However, current literature remains heavily focused on ethical considerations of short-term global health training experiences. A literature review informed our development of an ethics framework centered on two perspectives: the practitioner perspective, further subdivided into extrinsic and intrinsic factors, and community perspectives, specifically that of the host community and the physician’s home community. Some physician (...)
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    Erratum to: Ethical Considerations of Physician Career Involvement in Global Health Work: A Framework.Daniel S. Rhee, Jennifer E. Heckman, Sae Rom Chae & Lawrence Chew Loh - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):167-167.
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    Social Robotics and the Good Life: The Normative Side of Forming Emotional Bonds with Robots.Janina Loh & Wulf Loh (eds.) - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Robots as social companions in close proximity to humans have a strong potential of becoming more and more prevalent in the coming years, especially in the realms of elder day care, child rearing, and education. As human beings, we have the fascinating ability to emotionally bond with various counterparts, not exclusively with other human beings, but also with animals, plants, and sometimes even objects. Therefore, we need to answer the fundamental ethical questions that concern human-robot-interactions per se, and we need (...)
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    Autonomous Driving and Perverse Incentives.Wulf Loh & Catrin Misselhorn - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (4):575-590.
    This paper discusses the ethical implications of perverse incentives with regard to autonomous driving. We define perverse incentives as a feature of an action, technology, or social policy that invites behavior which negates the primary goal of the actors initiating the action, introducing a certain technology, or implementing a social policy. As a special form of means-end-irrationality, perverse incentives are to be avoided from a prudential standpoint, as they prove to be directly self-defeating: They are not just a form of (...)
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    A practice–theoretical account of privacy.Wulf Loh - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (4):233-247.
    This paper distinguishes between two main questions regarding the notion of privacy: “What is privacy?” and “Why do/should we value privacy?”. In developing a social-ontological recognitional model of privacy, it gives an answer to the first question. According to the SORM, Privacy is a second order quality of roles within social practices. It is a function of who is or should be recognized as a “standard authority”. Enjoying standard authority means to have the right to interpret and contest role behavior (...)
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    ‘Represent me: please! Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine’: Commentary.Janina Loh - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):412-412.
    Matthias Braun’s1 concise reflections on the ethical challenges posed by digital twins in medicine are briefly supplemented below by a thought that, in my view, seems to run through the text like a thread, but whose ethical implications are not explicitly stated. Braun states in the final paragraph that ‘digital twins do not fundamentally threaten the embodied person’, at least not as long as the person in question has ‘control over her simulated representation’. I agree with this, but would like (...)
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  10. Social pathologies of informational privacy.Wulf Loh - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy (3):541-561.
    Following the recent practice turn in privacy research, informational privacy is increasingly analyzed with regard to the “appropriate flow of information” within a given practice, which preserves the “contextual integrity” of that practice (Nissenbaum, 2010, p. 149; 2015). Such a practice-theoretical take on privacy emphasizes the normative structure of practices as well as its structural injustices and power asymmetries, rather than focusing on the intentions and moral considerations of individual or institutional actors. Since privacy norms are seen to be institutionalized (...)
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    Vorurteile und Wahn im logisch-mathematischen Grundlagenstreit und Probleme empirischer Begründung.Werner Loh - 1984 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 15 (2):211-231.
    Der Titel dieses Aufsatzes mag zunächst befremden, gar als unsachliche Bösartigkeit aufgefaßt werden, doch „Vorurteil“ und „Wahn“ sind im Rahmen von Psychologie bzw. Sozialpsychologie und Psychopathologie definierte Begriffe. Untersucht man unter diesem Aspekt den mathematischen Grundlagenstreit in diesem Jahrhundert, der richtiger „logisch-mathematischer Grundlagenstreit“ zu nennen wäre, dann wird ein Argumentationsklima deutlich, das von Vorurteils- und Wahnstrukturen geprägt ist, das sich zu Ungungsten der empirisch orientierten Begründungsposition auswirkte. Sollte sich angesichts erneuter Stimmen für die empirische Position wieder eine Grundlagendiskussion entwickeln, wäre (...)
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  12.  30
    Polyamorie und Ethik.Janina Loh - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    „Polyamorie“ ist die Bezeichnung für das explizite und konsensuelle Eingehen mehrerer Liebesbeziehungen zur selben Zeit. Mit polyamoren Konstellationen korreliert, dafür wird in diesem Beitrag argumentiert, eine Ethik der Beziehungsgestaltung und sie schließen darüber hinaus für gewöhnlich das Teilen äquivalenter gesellschaftspolitischer Prämissen ein, auf die im Folgenden an einigen Stellen hingewiesen wird. Eine Ethik der Polyamorie umfasst zwei Eigenschaften: Polyethiken brechen zum einen mit dem traditionellen Verständnis vom Individuum oder Handlungssubjekt. Ich werde zeigen, dass polyamoren Beziehungsnetzwerken und der Ethik, die in (...)
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    Kant-Forschungen als Beispiel für selbstverschuldeten Methodenmangel.Werner Loh - 1992 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 23 (1):105 - 128.
    Researches on Kant as Example of Lack of Methods Arising Through One's Own Fault. The researches on Kant are one example of the high degree of differences in opinions about mentalities. The lack of methods is one reason. Kant researchers have regretted this too. But as available methods are not developed, these regrets are not very convincing. For instance, the old method to sort concepts in different degrees of abstraction is not developed as a method of interpretation. This method will (...)
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  14. Komplement und kontradiktorische Negation der Klassischen Aussagenlogik - oder von den Problemen, die Widersprüchlichkeit der Klassischen Aussagenlogik zu entdecken.Werner Loh - 2007 - Facta Philosophica 9 (1):269-282.
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    (1 other version)Anonymity, fidelity to law, and digital Civil disobedience.Wulf Loh - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism (4):448-476.
    Making use of the liberal concept of civil disobedience, this paper assesses, under which circumstances instances of illegal digital protest—called “hacktivism”—can be justified vis-à-vis the pro t...
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    The Gamification of Political Participation.Wulf Loh - 2019 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 6 (2):261-280.
    Political participation lies at the heart of normative democratic theory. To foster participatory interactions between citizens, some advocates and designers are resorting to gamification as the use of psycho-motivational involvement strategies from games in non-game contexts. The hope is that through gamification mechanisms, citizens will be drawn more easily towards participation platforms, apps, and digital services, as well as remain there longer, thereby effectively enhancing participation numbers and time. In this article, I will explore the potential problems of these involvement (...)
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  17. Die Negation der Klassischen Aussagenlogik als Wahrheitsfunktion.Werner Loh - 2008 - Facta Philosophica 10 (1):125-153.
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    《歐利根駁斥柏拉圖》.Yip-Mei Loh - 2020 - Taipei, Taiwan:
    This book is an English-to-Chinese translation of 'Origen Against Plato', by Mark Julian Edwards.
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    《奧古斯丁-哲學思想導論》.Yip-Mei Loh - 2021 - Taipei, Taiwan:
    This book is a German-to-Chinese translation of 'Augustine', by Christoph Horn.
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    Augmented learning, smart glasses and knowing how.Wulf Loh & Catrin Misselhorn - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):297-308.
    While recent studies suggest that augmented learning employing smart glasses increases overall learning performance, in this paper we are more interested in the question which repercussions ALSG will have on the type of knowledge that is acquired. Drawing from the theoretical discussion within epistemology about the differences between Knowledge-How and Knowledge-That, we will argue that ALSG furthers understanding as a series of epistemic and non-epistemic Knowing-Hows. Focusing on academic knowledge acquisition, especially with respect to early curriculum experiments in various STEM (...)
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  21. Animal rights.Virginia Loh-Hagan - 2021 - Ann Arbor, Michigan: Cherry Lake Publishing.
    Learn all about animal rights activism, from ending animal testing to veganism. Get a global look at the history of the movement, meet the activists involved, and celebrate some of the legal victories! Each chapters end with a call to action, so kids can feel inspired to get involved in their own communities. This high-interest book is written at a lower reading level for struggling readers. Considerate text and engaging art and photographs are sure to grab even the most reluctant (...)
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  22. Alternativen und Irrtum in der Kritischen Philosophie Kants.Werner Loh - 1991 - Kant Studien 82 (1):81-95.
  23. Dezision als Bestandteil einer Fortschrittsmoral.Werner Loh - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (1):68.
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  24. 路德、喀爾文以及其他人.Yip-Mei Loh - 2022 - Taipei: Translated by Yip Mei Loh.
    This book is a German-to-Mandarin translation of 'Luther, Calvin und die anderen – Die Reformation und ihre Folgen', by Armin Kohnle.
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  25. Die verfasser der beiträge.Werner Loh, Paul K. Moser, Peter M. Simons, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, Franz Wimmer & Boguslaw Wolniewfcz - 1985 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 19.
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  26. Emanzipation durch Selbstentmündigung?Werner Loh - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (1):25.
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  27. Eine Selbstauflösung Evolutionärer Ethik in ihrer unaufgeklärten Geschichtlichkeit.Werner Loh - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (1):185.
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    Fehldeutungen der klassischen Aussagenlogik.Werner Loh - 1986 - Dialectica 40 (2):157-162.
    ZusammenfassungDie klassische Aussagenlogik wird falsch gedeutet. Korrigiert man die Deutungen, dann ist sie eine epistemische Möglichkeitenlogik, die sich aus assertorischen und kon‐tingenten Aussagen zusammensetzt. Da sie nicht modalitatenneutral ist, dürfen andere Logiken nicht auf ihr ohne diese Einschrankung aufbauen. Sie bedarf zur sinnvollen Deutung einer handlungstheoretischen Einbettung und ist insofern selbst schon ein Stück pragmatische Logik. Der Gebrauch der Negation dyadischer Aussagen beruht auf einer willkürlichen Festlegung, die durch die Abstraktion vom epistemisch‐hand‐lungstheoretischen Zusammenhang ermöglicht wird.
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    Feminist philosophy of technology.Janina Loh & Mark Coeckelbergh (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    There has been little attention to feminism and gender issues in mainstream philosophy of technology and vice versa. Since the beginning of the so-called »second wave feminism« (in the middle of the 20th century), there has been a growing awareness of the urgency of a critical reflection of technology and science within feminist discourse. But feminist thinkers have not consistently interpreted technology and science as emancipative and liberating for the feminist movement. Because technological development is mostly embedded in social, political, (...)
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  30. God in Jesus, a Daemonion in Socrates and their Respective Divine Communication.Yip-Mei Loh - 2018 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 12 (2):321-326.
    Jesus and Socrates shared a remarkable gift; a channel of inner spiritual communication, to afford them truthful guidance in their respective religious discourse. Jesus is part of the Trinity; he is the Son, the Son of God. In mortal life he is the son of a carpenter. He called on all peoples to repent of their sins but fell foul of the authorities and was crucified. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher and the son of an artisan. His mission is (...)
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    Implementation of Text-Messaging and Social Media Strategies in a Multilevel Childhood Obesity Prevention Intervention: Process Evaluation Results.Ivory H. Loh, Teresa Schwendler, Angela C. B. Trude, Elizabeth T. Anderson Steeves, Lawrence J. Cheskin, Sarah Lange & Joel Gittelsohn - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877918.
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    Logische Konstanten als Repräsentanten von Entscheidungsverhältnissen und Ontologie.Werner Loh - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 47 (4):588 - 605.
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  33. Lösungs- oder auch noch erwägungs- und auswahlbestimmter Praxisbegriff?Werner Loh - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (2):279.
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  34. Medizin – Technik – Ethik. Techno:Phil – Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Technikphilosophie.Janina Loh & Thomas Grote (eds.) - 2022 - Heidelberg: Metzler.
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    Medizin - Technik - Ethik: Spannungsfelder zwischen Theorie und Praxis.Janina Loh & Thomas Grote (eds.) - 2023 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler, ein Teil von Springer Nature.
    Vermutlich sind sich Technik und Mensch nirgendwo so nahe, sind auf intime und verbindliche Weise miteinander verschränkt, wie in den Bereichen von Medizin, Therapie und Pflege. Am Nexus von Medizin und Technik werden deshalb zahlreiche ethische Fragen aufgeworfen. Dieser Band verfolgt das zweifache Anliegen, die Verschränkungen von Medizin, Technik und Ethik einerseits aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven zu beleuchten sowie andererseits einen Blick in die Praxis zu werfen, in die Erfahrungsräume der in der Medizin tätigen Menschen und ihre Interaktionen mit Technologien.
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  36. Ontologie aus dem Geiste einer Vorgeschichte.Werner Loh - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (2):250-252.
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  37. Origen on the Freedom of Choice and the Will.Yip-Mei Loh - 2024 - Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 69 (3).
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  38. ‘Porphyry, An Anti-Christian Plotinian Platonist’.Yip-Mei Loh - 2017 - The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
    Porphyry, the Phoenician polymath, having studied with Plotinus when he was thirty years old, was a well-known Hellenic philosopher, an opponent of Christianity, and was born in Tyre, in the Roman Empire. We know of his anti-Christian ideology and of his defence of traditional Roman religions, by means of a fragment of his Adversus Christianos. This work incurred controversy among early Christians. His Adversus Christianos has been served as a critique of Christianity and a defence of the worship of the (...)
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  39. Plato on Self-Knowledge in the Alcibiades I.Yip-Mei Loh - 2023 - Aletheia 45: p.1-61.
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    Sharing a Context with Other Rewarding Events Increases the Probability that Neutral Events will be Recollected.Eleanor Loh, Matthew Deacon, Lieke de Boer, Raymond J. Dolan & Emrah Duzel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  41. Socrates’ Mythological Role in Plato’s Theaetetus.Yip-Mei Loh - 2017 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 11 (2):343-346.
    Plato, as a poet, employs muthos extensively to express his philosophical dialectical development, so the majority of his dialogues are comprised of muthoi. We cannot separate his muthos from his philosophical thought, since the former has great influence in the latter. So the methodology of this paper is first to discuss the dialogue "Theaetetus" to find out why he compares Socrates to the Greek goddess Artemis; then his concept of Maieutikē will be investigated. At the beginning of Plato’s "Theaetetus", Socrates (...)
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  42. Transpersonaler Idealismus: Menschen ohne Wahrheitsbasis.Werner Loh - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (2):152-155.
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  43. The Philosophy of Early Christianity in the Era of Digitalisation.Yip-Mei Loh - 2021 - England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    The benefits of the digital age are huge. Our lives have been transformed, both in the developed and the undeveloped world. However, this transformation has its dark side. The same powerful technologies have enabled cultural or religious grooming to flourish, unmoderated social 'influencing' to have free reign, fake information to spread, and sophisticated hackers to create destabilizing international mayhem. What place does the Church have in all this? How does it respond? What about the great philosophers of the neo-Platonic age, (...)
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  44. The Sōma and The Psychē In The Gospel Of Matthew and In Plato’s Timaeus.Yip-Mei Loh - 2016 - People: International Journal of Social Science 2 (1):557-590.
    Both Christianity and Plato claim that the psychē is immortal, that there is life after death. However, Plato’s theory of the psychē has been misinterpreted by some Christian scholars and theologians, who rail against Greek philosophy for distorting Christianity’s doctrine of the psychē, and who hold further that Plato’s theory of the psychē is a dualism. This thesis will prove that Plato does not assert the sōma-psychē bipartite, and try to solve the Christian debate between the sōma-psychē bipartite and sōma, (...)
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  45. The Theory of Lux and Lumen in the Bible and Plotinus.Yip-Mei Loh - 2019 - Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 4 (46):123-140.
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  46. Unverantwortbarer Fortschritt oder Fortschritt der Verantwortung.Werner Loh - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (1):77-79.
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  47. Woran müssten sich interkulturelle Logik-Forschungen orientieren, wenn sie Klärungen anstreben und nicht überwältigen wollten?Werner Loh & Ram Mall - 2009 - Polylog.
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  48. Wissenschaft und Liebe.Werner Loh - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (4):549.
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  49. Wahn, Vorurteil und Wissenschaft.Werner Loh - 1989 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 23 (59):31-48.
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    (1 other version)Zur überwindung neuzeitlicher wissenschaftsauffassungen.Werner Loh - 1988 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 19 (2):266-289.
    Summary Not ‘human sciences’, but physics is said to be the measure for that what is called science . Deficiencies of human sciences are led back to complexity, external influences etc. If one differentiates several orientations for that what is called science , another reason is determinable. The conceptions of science in modern thinking are monistically orientated, because they have the aim to reach exceptional knowledge, that lets eliminate alternatives. Elimination combined with competition leads to prejudices. Competition does not reduce (...)
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